Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sweet Surprise Today

I got a special treat today... I went to my doctor's office for routine 1st trimester bloodwork. The nurse wanted to double check something so she scheduled me for an ultrasound!
I was so excited!
Here's a picture of our baby from today:
Little arm on the side, and two little legs folded up. Baby is about 2.5 inches right now. Looks kinda squished in there to me!
I'm doing great - feeling good most of the time. My morning sickness isn't too bad, it's really just an overall queasy feeling... which gets pretty bad if I eat red meat. So, I'll be avoiding that for awhile. I don't really think I have much of a "baby bump" to show off yet.... I just feel bloated!!
Clint and I visited both of my grandparents this past Saturday. This baby is spoiled already! I came home with delicious food, and baby blankets!
Clint and I can't wait to find out if this sweet baby is a precious girl or a beautiful boy!! In Clint's words... "either way the baby can learn to play guitar and play sports."

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